Saturday, January 6, 2018

Wallpaper? Really?

I have long resisted using wallpaper. I tend to discourage my clients from using wallpaper. Not a good idea, I know, because it really is their choice. But I have seen so many issues in removing it - or worse yet, leaving it up even though it's way past it's prime because the removal is so tricky. And expensive. And generally a mess.

But I have come to realize those days are over. Wallpaper is back. But not in a paper-all-the-walls-in-cabbage-roses kind of way. Geometric prints are big. So is making your own digitally. Metallics and natural fabrics are in. And it's being used more for a statement instead of an overpowering design scheme.

If you are a little nervous or want to use it but in a smaller way, try using a pretty solid but with texture on an accent wall. It adds just a bit more interest than paint would.

Or if you're ready for some drama, save it for a smaller space like a powder room. You can have lots of fun but no one lives with it for very long because they aren't in the room for long.

Still not sure? Wallpaper the back of a bookshelf. Use it on a piece of furniture. Give your books a dramatic lift with wallpaper bookcovers.

Think creatively! With today's amazing choices, there are so many ways to use wallpaper for a brand new look. But without all of the problems of the "old" days.

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