Wednesday, November 20, 2019

More Decorating Ideas?

I have to admit I'm feeling a little overloaded. With decorating ideas. I love seeing new and creative ideas. I really do. But . . . right now I'm feeling like I've seen enough Thanksgiving tablescapes, front porch ideas, ways to warm my home, and Christmas trees to get me through the season. 

To help with the overload (not just of ideas but of the entire holiday season) what I need instead are some me ideas. Ways to manage the overload so I can enjoy the season and the decorating without the overwhelm. So here are a few things I plan to do . . . 

Buy a gift for myself. Nothing fancy or expensive. But something that will encourage me to spend at least a little quality me time. And because baths are a favorite this time of year, my gift is going to be Lush Bath Bombs. If you're a bath person like me and have never tried them, you're in for a treat! If baths (or bath bombs) aren't your thing, there are lots and lots of personal care items such as soaps, shower gels, and lotions available everywhere. And on sale. Indulge!

Hot chocolate. Preferably with candles lit and in front of a fire. Alone. I don't have to get fancy with the hot chocolate (although Godiva is a favorite). But I must have the quiet time to reflect on the day, the year, or whatever is important at that moment. In the quiet. And with only the glow of the fire and the Christmas lights.

And finally I'm going to let good be good enough. The older I get the more important quality is over quantity. Less over more. Experience over things. So if the centerpiece isn't quite right, the menu has some already prepared foods, and the gift wrapping is actually gift bags, I'm okay with that. Because this time is all I have. And I'm going to enjoy it.

Although I really should take the dead mums from the front porch . . . Happy Thanksgiving!